Martha's Vineyard Full Island Tour
Available as Shared or Private Tours

What you will learn and see:
Oak Bluffs, A Victorian seaside resort that was built around the Methodist campgrounds. The campground is now known for its beautiful open air tabernacle and the 300 plus Victorian gingerbread cottages from the mid 1800’s, that replaced the tents once used for summer revival meetings. The Flying Horse Carousel one of the oldest platforms carousels still in use resides here.
Edgartown has a picture book setting with its harbor and waterfront, along with its stately white Greek Revival houses built by whaling captains and carefully maintained. The Old Whaling Church with its six massive columns, the Edgartown Harbor Lighthouse, and the historic Harborview Hotel make Edgartown a museum piece community.
The busy harbor town of Vineyard Haven – entry port to Martha’s Vineyard since the mid 1600’s and our year-round port.
You will drive through the scenic up-Island country-side passing through the historic farming towns of West Tisbury and Chilmark.
You’ll stop for 15 minutes at the breathtaking multicolored clay cliffs of Aquinnah (Gay Head), with its impressive lighthouse where you will have an opportunity to get out, take pictures and stretch your legs.
Because the island is so diverse, on your drive you’ll catch glimpses of centuries old stone walls, views to the Atlantic shoreline, grazing livestock, rolling hills and historic homesteads. and will go over the bridge used in the filming of the movie Jaws.
This tour can be expanded to 4 or more hours as a private tour, including longer and/or more frequent stops, customized
All tours are available for large, chartered groups as well.
Our tour guides are all long time island characters who love sharing their love of the island with you, so sit back and enjoy all our island has to offer when you, come and tour with us.
Never hesitate to call (508) 939 1359 with any questions or for suggestions in building your own tour.